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The Writer’s Update
It’s been a minute so I thought I’d start with a bit of an update. I’ve been writing, submitting to agents, and I’ll be at
My favorite books on the Craft of Writing
Throughout my coaching practice, I often recommend a number of books on the craft of writing to my clients. As a coach, I generally focus
The Writing Process – What No One Talks About
When was the last time you read a blog post or Social Media post about someone’s writing process? I’m not talking about the time someone
I Don’t Have Time
“I don’t have time to write.” “I’m too busy right now.” “When I’m retired, that’s when I’m going to write.” I don’t have time is
The One Thing Stopping You From Writing
There are a lot of reasons and excuses we give, but in all honesty, there is only one thing stopping you from writing: the fear
How to be a full-time writer when you have a day job
Being a full-time writer when you have a day job. Is that even possible? Yes, it is. It won’t be easy, but it is definitely