Several months ago, I made a decision to “Go For It”. That decision, and my commitment to it, changed everything. As much as people in our lives impact the direction our writing lives take, it comes down to what we choose for ourselves. Let me back up a bit, because that decision did not come […]
Tag: motivation
What’s Your Drug of Choice?
Writing is my heroin. I am unquestionably a happier more productive human being when I write regularly. I didn’t know this about myself for a long time. I remember distinctly, having a series of very bad days. I was constantly grumpy, everything seemed to be going wrong, the world was falling apart around me, and […]
What keeps you motivated?
Autumn has begun. I don’t know about you, but where I live, as beautiful as it is when the leaves change colour, it is also a precursor to the immnent and seemingly endless deep-freeze of winter. Along with the cold and snow comes shorter days and longer nights, the darkness arriving before leaving work, and […]