Important Question: I’m preparing my Silencing Your Inner Saboteur workshop–complete with student forums, interactive classes, and coaching sessions. Would you prefer something like this before, during, or after NaNoWriMo?
Tag: NaNoWriMo
Finding the Sweet Spot
I talk a lot about achievable and exceedable goals. One of the basic principles of achievable and exceedable goals for writers, is that you set yourself a specific amount of time and/or word count that you know you will be able to reach each day. Once you’re able to routinely exceed that goal, then you […]
It Makes a Difference
Why does it feel like such a chore to sit down and actually write? It’s that sense of dread that often leads to procrastination. What if you actually enjoyed the writing process? Yes, it is possible! It starts with the love of the story you’re writing, and a love of the characters. A curiosity and […]